Blogging for a Living: Profitable Ways to Monetize a WordPress Blog
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Monetizing your online content isn’t as easy as flipping a switch. It involves following a series of well-ironed plans and strategies. But before we delve into the nitty-gritty of online monetization, I will assume that you have created online content before or that you already have a blog up and running. 

Once you have the content, the natural question that arises from this is: 

When’s the right time to start monetizing it?

There is no clear-cut answer to this question. However, there are a few key indicators that you can follow to gauge when it’s ideal to start monetizing. 

From a myriad of metrics, you need to be on the lookout for:


  • Steady traffic: You don’t need tens of thousands of visitors to be able to start monetizing your blog. However, having a steady stream of visitors coming to your site every month is a great indicator that you’re doing something right. I don’t want you to get stuck on a number here, but anything in the 1,000+ visitors/month range shows you’re off to a great start.

  • Audience retention: If you give people a good enough reason to check out your blog, then they’ll also stick around for more. This surge of interest that you’re generating can be used to your advantage to sway people to start spending money.

  • Having an email list that’s showing signs of growth. Again, there is no fixed number for how large your email list should be to start monetization. But having one can definitely give you a head start in the whole process.

If your blog is consistently exhibiting healthy stats, then it’s a good sign to start looking into ways on how to turn it into something more lucrative.

In fact, now’s the best time to act, because monetizing a blog has never been as full of opportunity as it is these days. Just a few years ago, there were only a fraction of the tools and strategies that online marketers now have at their disposal.

But having an abundance of tools that you can use isn’t a guarantee for success – you will also need a bit of direction. This is what I’m here to help you with.

In this course, I will guide you through some of the best steps you can take in order to start generating revenue from your blog. 

We’ll tackle affiliate marketing programs, the implementation of membership plans and a whole plethora of other monetization strategies

Let’s get to it!

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